Engineers of
a sustainable future
Our expertise is connectivity
Deliver quality work and innovative services

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Network install and activate services, from design and engineering to end to end tests, acceptance and handover. Turnkey projects, technical onsite support, assisted operation, consulting services. Deep expertise from submarine to edge scenarios. End to end services, no boundaries.

Anything related to network activation to be solved before, during or after implementation. Data Center and Telecom context site related problems resolution. BDFB and power plant, air conditioning, racks, trays, optical panels. IRM provisioning including logistics with optimized prices. Facility Management services with appropriate expertise, full delegation and ownership.

Energy Efficiency & Sustainability
Consulting services to decrease energy expenses. Root to top resolution: analysis starting with equipment, rack and aisle layouts to full room considerations. Telecom rooms and data centers improvement projects. Power, temperature and humidity monitoring for every single element, through cloud applications with machine learning strategies to resolve hot spots. Invest plans for energy saving improvements.
Latin America is experiencing a rapid digital transformation, with an increasing necessity to enhance its connectivity infrastructure.
This technological evolution includes the adoption of technologies such as

Connecting the World:
The Value of a Multicultural Workforce In an increasingly interconnected
“Modernizing Submarine Cable Power Feed Systems”
➡️More information: ab********* ra*************
Report on Best Practices in Subsea Telecommunications Cable Sustainability
Reduction of electricity consumption in technological environments is a challenge
Authors: Gustavo Regnicoli, Andrea Reschini, Roberto Paz (R&G Telecomm Group)
Companies that trust us

Customer references

Caribbean and Latín American Region (CALA) - Ciena

Caribbean and Latín American Region (CALA) - Ciena

Corporate Social Responsibility

We are fostering a model of corporate responsibility that engages our entire company from our engaged leadership to the engaged employees at our sites around the countries that we have operations, all rising to the challenges of governance, environment, and social inclusion and equity
We are at an exciting juncture in our ESG journey. Our leadership is enthusiastic and our team spirit commits us to tackle the challenges in the coming year.

How we work
We strive to be a diverse company with an inclusive culture, as reflected in the way we treat each other and respect our differences
With projects all over Latin America, United States and The Caribbean we offer opportunities for smart, talented minds to join a diverse, driven team with a passion for technology and a shared purpose.
Let us help you connect efficiently
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